In Their Honor

Grief DialoguesReturning Soldiers Speak, and In Their Honor present

Grief Dialogues: Memorial Day

Grief Dialogues: Memorial Day is a powerful three-hour immersive experience dedicated to honoring our military and Veteran communities, especially those affected by the Los Angeles fires. This event will provide a space for reflection, storytelling, and collective healing, ensuring that the sacrifices of our service members are never forgotten.

Leilani Squire
Leilani Squire is the daughter of LTJG Grant Robert Squire, who served thirty years in the US Navy, and was raised in the military. She’s CEO of the non-profit Returning Soldiers Speak, an award-winning playwright, published writer, certified creativity coach, and member of EST/LA, Playwrights Unit, The Dramatist Guild, and alumna of Kennedy Center Playwriting Intensive and Dramatist Guild Institute.
Leilani Squire
Dr. Qwynn Galloway-Salazar (Doc Q), Founder/CEO of In Their Honor—and Mistress of Ceremonies—is an Army Veteran, End-of-Life Doula Educator, and Storyteller. As PsychArmor’s SVP, she expands support for military-connected communities. Honored as a 2024 USA TODAY Woman of the Year, she also serves on NHPCO’s End-of-Life Doula Council.
Leilani Squire
Elizabeth Coplan, playwright and founder of Grief Dialogues, uses theater to spark conversations about loss and healing. Inspired by personal grief and her father’s service as a U.S. Air Force veteran, she is one of the three co-creators of Grief Dialogues: Memorial Day. Her work explores death, dying, and bereavement, fostering dialogue and connection through storytelling and performance.
Photos from October 2024 New York performance of Grief Dialogues: The Experience.
Featuring actors: Amber Walker, Tyler Bey, and Jeffrey Doornbos
Submission Guidelines

Submissions are limited to United States Veterans currently living in Southern California defined as the following counties: Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis, Santa Barbara, and Ventura.

Submissions can be a monologue (2 to 5 pages) or a short play (10 minutes).

Play submissions can be raw and funny, serious and/or comedic. The play’s plot does not need to be 100% but it does need to feel authentic.  It can be based on actual events.

All submissions are evaluated on originality of plot, character development, dialogue and the interpretation of our mission:  To better understand and support the grief and bereavement challenges faced by our veterans and their communities.

Please send blind submissions to [email protected].

Indicate your availability to attend the performance on May 17, 2025 in Los Angeles. This is not a criteria but may be a consideration in the event of a tie. All plays are eligible to be considered for the Grief Dialogues script library for future stores.

Deadline for submissions:  March 15, 2025

In Their Honor

Grief DialoguesReturning Soldiers Speak, and In Their Honor present

Grief Dialogues: Memorial Day

Grief Dialogues: Memorial Day is a powerful three-hour immersive experience dedicated to honoring our military and Veteran communities, especially those affected by the Los Angeles fires. This event will provide a space for reflection, storytelling, and collective healing, ensuring that the sacrifices of our service members are never forgotten.

Leilani Squire
Leilani Squire is the daughter of LTJG Grant Robert Squire, who served thirty years in the US Navy, and was raised in the military. She’s CEO of the non-profit Returning Soldiers Speak, an award-winning playwright, published writer, certified creativity coach, and member of EST/LA, Playwrights Unit, The Dramatist Guild, and alumna of Kennedy Center Playwriting Intensive and Dramatist Guild Institute.
Leilani Squire
Dr. Qwynn Galloway-Salazar (Doc Q), Founder/CEO of In Their Honor—and Mistress of Ceremonies—is an Army Veteran, End-of-Life Doula Educator, and Storyteller. As PsychArmor’s SVP, she expands support for military-connected communities. Honored as a 2024 USA TODAY Woman of the Year, she also serves on NHPCO’s End-of-Life Doula Council.
Leilani Squire
Elizabeth Coplan, playwright and founder of Grief Dialogues, uses theater to spark conversations about loss and healing. Inspired by personal grief and her father’s service as a U.S. Air Force veteran, she is one of the three co-creators of Grief Dialogues: Memorial Day. Her work explores death, dying, and bereavement, fostering dialogue and connection through storytelling and performance.
Photos from October 2024 New York performance of Grief Dialogues: The Experience.
Featuring actors: Amber Walker, Tyler Bey, and Jeffrey Doornbos
Submission Guidelines

Submissions are limited to United States Veterans currently living in Southern California defined as the following counties: Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis, Santa Barbara, and Ventura.

Submissions can be a monologue (2 to 5 pages) or a short play (10 minutes).

Play submissions can be raw and funny, serious and/or comedic. The play’s plot does not need to be 100% but it does need to feel authentic.  It can be based on actual events.

All submissions are evaluated on originality of plot, character development, dialogue and the interpretation of our mission:  To better understand and support the grief and bereavement challenges faced by our veterans and their communities.

Please send blind submissions to [email protected].

Indicate your availability to attend the performance on May 17, 2025 in Los Angeles. This is not a criteria but may be a consideration in the event of a tie. All plays are eligible to be considered for the Grief Dialogues script library for future stores.

Deadline for submissions:  March 15, 2025